Coming Soon: 2021 Time Trials Nationals Registration
Coming Soon: 2021 Time Trials Nationals Registration

Tire Rack Time Trials Nationals is back and as much fun as ever – and because of that, it’s likely that the event will sell out in a hurry! Just like the Track Night in America registration launch, the Time Trials team will be hosting a launch party live on Facebook when registration goes live at 11 am CDT on Thursday, April 1 (No foolin’!).
And for those who register in the first hour, the team will take a couple of trips to the prize closet to pick out some outstanding prize, courtesy of our friends at Hagerty, Hawk, KONI, Valvoline, Braille and iRacing.
Watch on Facebook! Watch on YouTube!
So mark your calendars for April 1, but if you haven’t already – also mark your calendars for June 10-13, which is the new and improved earlier-season date for Tire Rack Time Trials Nationals at NCM Motorsports Park in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
And now for the details – you know the date, you know the location. The format will look like the Time Trials format we’ve come to love, with both Time Attack and TrackSprint built into the schedule. The cost of the weekend remains a steal at $395, and we’ll have as many interactions and feed you as many dinners as we can safely offer.
But (as we put on our TV infomercial voice) act now! The event is limited to 250 participants, and the good news/bad news scenario is that you all—by virtue of your enthusiasm and ability to have a great time—have grown this event to the cap. While we don’t think you need to be in and registered in the first minute, we are also certain this event will sell out. So don’t panic, but don’t delay, either!
Most of all, this event is a good time – and that good time starts with Registration on April 1 at noon. Join the Time Trials team on Facebook or YouTube as they answer questions, feed you the information you need, keep you posted on the news, and in general host the best (virtual) party around, at least until we gather at NCM Motorsports Park in June!
Photo by ABI Photo