Organizational And Administrative Procedures


1. Pre-Event Procedures

Tracks and facilities eligible for Time Trials and TrackSprint must have passed an SCCA Track Inspection and Review Process. The track inspection and review process for Track and Time Trials Events is coordinated by the Director of Experiential Programs, or a designated representative.

1. Eligible Tracks

A. Tracks with Road Racing Approval
Existing tracks and/or configurations which are up to date on inspection and review for Road Racing may be used for Track and Time Trials events.

B. New Tracks/Tracks without Road Racing Approval
New tracks and/or configurations will be reviewed by a track inspector selected from a list approved by the SCCA and paid for by the track, and/or an SCCA Region and/or an SCCA Division. The inspector will use a checklist provided by the National Office. 

C. Previously Approved/Decommissioned Tracks
Previously approved/decommissioned tracks and/or configurations will be addressed on a case-by-case basis under A or B above at the discretion of the National Office. 

2. Track Approval Criteria
Courses should maximize exposure to a variety of vehicle-handling situations while minimizing exposure to hazards and are subject to the requirements below.

A. Flag Stations
Flag stations and observation points should be placed as to provide complete, continuous coverage of all parts of the course. They must be manned by at least one person. All stations must be provided with a method of communication to the Competition Director at all times.

B. SCCA Oversight
The selection of any course for an event shall be subject to the approval of the SCCA. Specifically, the SCCA National Office may:

1. Limit a course as to the classification of event to be sanctioned at the site.

2. Restrict the number of cars which may be started simultaneously or in total.

3. Restrict the number of entries which may be accepted for an event or a competition.

4. Restrict the course to certain classes and categories of cars.

5. Restrict the course to selected Time Trials Driver license grades.

6. Set forth certain areas as “safe” worker areas or restrict areas considered to be “hot."

7. Designate spectator areas.

8. Determine eligibility for non-spectator status for Time Trials Events at that facility.

C. Course Length
The official length of a course shall be measured along the centerline of the road.

D. Course Speeds
Speeds may be restricted at the discretion of the Safety Steward, but these restrictions should be enforced by observation, either by the instructors in student cars, or by other speed calculation method such as radar (this is not a requirement, and use is at the discretion of the sponsor region). It is not recommended that cones or other items be used to create false obstacles to slow down vehicles that are at speed.

2. TrackSprint Course Approval

A. TrackSprint Courses may be set at SCCA approved track facilities utilizing any of the layout approved for at-speed use. (E.g., Vehicles could start from the track entry point of Pit Road, but may not use pit road or other non-competition areas as timed portions of a TrackSprint Course.)

B. TrackSprint Courses may be set at an SCCA approved facility, utilizing sections of the course not previously inspected and approved for Track Events, Time Trials or Road Racing. Cut offs, chicanes, alternate layouts or reversed sections may be approved for a TrackSprint course by a Track Events/Time Trials Safety Steward, provided each of the following criteria are met.

1. The layout is approved by track management.

2. The sections used are designed for full-speed use. (E.g., access roads, emergency-vehicle turn-outs, etc. may not be used.) 

3. Any track surface is in comparable condition to the main/approved course.

4. There is appropriate line-of-site for corner stations.

5. All barriers – including those protecting corner stations in any impact zones – are comparable to the main course and in good condition appropriate for vehicle impacts.

6. Appropriate thought and consideration is given to any sections which may double-back on each other or create a proximity issue for two vehicles running simultaneously.

All events sanctioned by the SCCA shall be insured for Event Liability and Participant Accident coverage.

1.2.1. Event Liability and Participant Accident coverage may be provided by the SCCA Master Insurance Plan or an equivalent policy (equivalency to be determined by the SCCA Risk Management Department).

A Sanction is the documentary authority, granted by SCCA, to organize and hold a Time Trials Event. An SCCA sanctioned event may be organized by the SCCA or an SCCA Region or Regions. All events sanctioned by the SCCA shall be insured for Event Liability and Participant Accident coverage, and once the following items are chosen or produced and then submitted to the National Office, the sanction will be processed, the sanction number will be issued, and an event insurance certificate will be automatically requested and sent to the sanction requestor.

If your region is sanctioning a Time Trials event as part of your Road Race weekend, you may send all documents to your Executive Steward as you normally would, but sanction approval of a Time Trials event is dependent on National Office approval.

1.3.1. Event sanction requests are submitted online via the Member Account Portal (MAP) at

A. An event page with basic information about the event including where to find registration when it opens is strongly encouraged, but Sanction should be issued before Event Registration is opened.

1.3.2. The online sanction request for a Time Trials event must include the following before sanction number will be issued and event insurance certificate requested:

A. Title/Description
Events Must have a Title/Description/Type. (E.g., "Eastwestern Region Time Trials Points Event 4.")

B. Location/Facility
Events must be run at tracks and/or configurations which are approved by the SCCA and reviews shall be up to date.

C. Event Information/Supplemental Regulations
The Event Information – frequently called “Supplemental Regulations” may be submitted as a pdf document in the “Event Documents” section or as a valid link in the “Notes for Sanction Department”. Supplemental Regulations must include key information found below in Event Essentials Section 2.1.

D. Event Schedule
A copy of the Event Schedule must be included in the Supplemental Regulations/Event Information or included in the online sanction request as a separate document submitted as a pdf document in the “Event Documents” section or as a valid link in the “Notes for Sanction Department”. Event Schedule must include information found below in Event Essentials Section 2.4.

E. Officials
The Required Officials should be filled and able to be listed.

F. Entry Form
While not required to be shown for sanctioning to be approved, because we understand digital entry forms are difficult to share before registration is opened, Entry Forms are required and must include the information listed in Event Essentials 2.2.

1.3.3. Changes
No changes should be made to the Event Information/Supplemental Regulations, except for the schedule, event officials and/or class groupings after the beginning of the period for receiving entries unless for safety reasons or forces beyond the control of organizers. All schedule changes should be approved by the highest-ranking official at the event.

1.3.4. Separate Documents
If the collection of Event Information/Supplementary Regulations, including the Schedule and Entry Form are divided into different documents printed on paper or as individual digital PDFs (as opposed to a single event page with the schedule leading to an Online Entry form) the sanction number, organizing SCCA department or region, event name, location date of the event and the phrase “this event is held under the SCCA Time Trials Rules" must be included on each document.


2. Time Trial Event Essentials

The Event Page describes the pertinent information about the event, who to contact with questions and a way to register. The requirement for the Event Page is being dropped in 2023 to align sanctioning processes between Track Events, Time Trials, Race Experience and Team Enduro, but that doesn't remove the importance of having an event page.

It is critically important that when the Sanction Process starts through “calendaring” an event – potential entrants need a page to go to which explains to them when and how they can register.
When a potential entrant can find an event on, but not any further information on that event, or has to navigate their way through a region web page before finding more details on that event, it often creates frustration, and may cause the potential entrant to choose not to enter the event.

2.1.1. The Event “Page” is strongly recommended but not required for 2023.
Often this can be done inside of your registration host. This page takes the place of the information that might have been mailed together when entries were primarily done through physical mail.

2.1.2. The Event Page should contain the following information:

A. The name, location, dates, nature, classification and complete description of the event.

B. The Sanction number and type of Sanction for the event.

C. An announcement conspicuously placed: “Held under the SCCA Time Trials Rules.”

D. The name and contact information of officials who can answer questions and support event registration.

E. The names of the Event Lead, Competition Director, Safety Steward and any Driver Coach(es).

F. The Event Schedule.

G. Amount of entry fee(s), entry deadlines/cost adjustments, how to pay/what methods are accepted, any refund policy and who to contact for entry changes.

H. Any rules which are in addition to the Time Trials Rules, known as “Event Rules”. (E.g., increased safety, adjusted/alternate procedures.)

1. Minimum safety standards may not be set below what is outlined in these rules, even if the event or vehicle does not require specific minimum standards. (e.g., If a region decides that Sport Category cars must run roll bars for a specific event, those roll bar construction requirements and material minimums shall not be less than the specifications set forth in the SCCA Time Trials Rules.)

I. Any track-specific rules. (E.g., camping rules, parking rules, gate hours, etc.)

J. All other information necessary for the proper conduct of the event.

2.1.3. After event registration is open, changes to the Event Page and the information contained therein should be avoided. If changes are necessary for reasons of safety or forces beyond the control of event organizers, all registered participants should be notified of those changes as soon as reasonable. If those changes prevent an entrant from participating, a full refund should be issued to that participant.

Entry Forms shall contain the following:

A. Full names, addresses, membership numbers, Region of Record, and license of entrants and drivers.

B. Full description of cars to be entered (year, make, model, trim level).

C. The physical ability statement, "I certify I have the ability to handle the physical and mental demands of competition for the length of a session for each session of the event." The page describing the requirements can be found HERE, and should be linked whenever possible.

D. Signatures or digital agreements of entrants and drivers for Waiver of Liability and/or indemnity declarations, acknowledgment of the authority of the TTR, declaration that cars entered comply with the provisions of the Time Trials Rules.

E. Sanction Number assigned to the event (a placeholder may be put here before sanction is issued; e.g., xxx-xx-xxx.).

F. Emergency contact information for the driver must be included with the entry.

G. A question asking entrants where they heard about the event.

1. Responses to the question shall include:

b. SCCA Region website
c. Search Engine (i.e., google, bing)
d. Facebook post/group
e. Facebook Ads
f. Instagram post/story
g. Instagram Ads
h. Other social media
i. Word of mouth (friends/family)
j. Email
k. Time Trials Partner
l. From a track
m. Other

H. Any other information required for the clarification of all other details of the event.

An entry is considered official and a competitor is considered entered in an event when a signed, completed, and official entry form has been submitted and received by the organizers, and the entry fee has been paid and received by the organizers.

2.3.1. Right to Refuse Entry
The organizers have the right to refuse an entry at their discretion without giving a reason for refusal. If an entry for any competition is refused, notification of such refusal shall be sent to the entrant at the contact information given on the Entry Form as soon as possible.

A. An entry which contains a false or incorrect statement may be determined to be null and void by the Event Lead. The entrant may be deemed guilty of a breach of the TTR Time Trials Rules, the entry fee may be forfeited and further penalties may be imposed.

B. An entry may be withdrawn without penalty if the withdrawal is made prior to the entry deadline date. In such cases, the organizers should return the entry fee. For withdrawals after the entry deadline, return of all or part of the entry fee is at the organizers’ discretion.

2.3.2. Limits on Entrants
Event organizers may limit the minimum driving experience or license grade required to enter an event, and/or automobile classes and categories.

A. Event Schedules shall include the following information:

1. Schedule of planned groups. (Entrants should be able to see how much time/how many runs they are scheduled to receive.)

2. Times and locations of mandatory meetings, such as Drivers' Meeting, novice classrooms and novice debriefs.

3. Run groupings (E.g., by class, experience level, etc.)

B. If the Event Schedule is separate from the event page (i.e., a downloadable document) not included on the event page, it shall also include this additional information:

1. Name, location and date of event.

2. The Event Sanction Number.

3. The name of the organizer (e.g., Region).

3. Post-Event Procedures

The organizer is responsible for the distribution of results and turning in the Event Report as follows:

3.1.1. Online or printed Official Event Results shall be available to each entrant within seven days of the event, seven days of the notification of any protest decision affecting Results, or seven days of a Court of Appeals decision, whichever is applicable, and whichever comes first. Results must be distributed in at least one of the following ways:

A. At the event.

B. Mailed at the organizer’s expense.

C. E-mailed.

D. Posted online.

3.1.2. The Event Lead will send the Event and Participant Report to the National Office and Time Trials Divisional Administrator within 14 days of the event.

A. The Event Report

B. The Participant Report should be a spreadsheet (.csv or .excl) document including columns with the following information for each driver:

1. Driver first name

2. Driver last name

3. SCCA member number

4. Overall position

5. Place in class

6. Make/model of vehicle

7. Passing rules numerical value

a. No Passing = 0 (E.g., HillClimb, TrackSprint)

b. Passing with a point-by on straights only = 1

c. Passing anywhere with a point-by = 2

d. Open passing on straights, point-by in corners = 3

e. No point-by required = 4

8. Satisfactory: "Yes" or "No"

9. Class (Abbreviated is acceptable.)

and each apprentice official with a satisfactory or unsatisfactory designation. If an “unsatisfactory” is given, a justification for why should be given.

3.1.4. Event leads are encouraged to also give comments on outstanding positive behavior—especially when the behavior may expedite a license upgrade (e.g., a driver moving up and proving efficient in groups ahead of expected experience).

The organizer is responsible to submit the post-event audit and appropriate fees to the SCCA National Office within the time limits, as specified below.

3.2.1. All drivers listed on the Official Event Results shall be consistent with the number included in the event audit.

3.2.2. Event Fee
The Event Fees for a Regional event as listed on the Program Event Fees document in the File Cabinet at, must be paid within 30 days of the completion of the event.

3.2.3. Late Fee
A late fee of $250 may be charged on sanction requests submitted online less than 45 days prior to the event, unless prior arrangements have been made and approved by the SCCA National Office.

All or part of an event may be postponed or canceled if a provision for doing so is made in the Supplementary Regulations for the event or if the Event Lead and Safety Steward (in full agreement) order that all or part of the event be postponed or cancelled for reasons of safety or forces beyond their control.

A. If an entire event (all classes, all sessions) is postponed for more than 24 hours, it is considered to be cancelled, and entry fees shall be returned. If an event is cancelled during the competition, then the entry fees should be prorated by time and a reasonable portion of the entry fee returned.

B. Notification of cancellation must be sent to no later than 14 days after the event is cancelled.